All Departments
- accounting unit
- Department of Hematology and Oncology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Dialysis department
- Emergency room
- Environmental health unit
- Facilities unit
- feeding unit
- ICU department
- Informatics unit
- Internal department - gynecological surgery
- Internal Department - Men's Surgery
- Laboratory
- maternity hospital
- Medical equipment unit
- Medical records unit
- Neonatal intensive care unit
- Occupational health unit
- Office of nursing services
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic and cosmetic surgery
- Radiology
- surgery room
- The Ear nose and throat
- The General surgery
- The Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Urology
Medical records unit
Medical Records Unit
Head of the unit
Scientific degree
Medical records expert
Hospital parking area
Local telephone
- Coding using ICD-10 and ICD9-CM
- Presentation of hospital activity statistics on a monthly, quarterly, six-monthly and yearly basis
- Filing by TD method (two last digits) and color coding system
- File numbering (U.N.) Unit number
Covered units: reception unit, coding unit, statistics unit and archive unit